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Goals and objectives in partnership: 

Save the Children aims to work in partnerships and strengthen local capacity in situations of long-term development as well as in contexts of emergencies and transition.

Save the Children invites Expression of Interest from qualified organizations which are working with and for conflict-affected communities in Yemen. We would like to partner with local NGOs/CSOs in supporting and delivering programming. During this partnership, Save the Children will support the organizations in improving the quality of programming by providing a series of capacity-strengthening activities to the partners.

Save the Children is committed to achieving breakthroughs for children that are ambitious and go beyond the scope of any single organization. This should happen in close collaboration with partners and in a spirit of mutual learning and responsibility. In that process, we help to strengthen national development capacity, including of civil society and other development actors.



 The minimum criteria for the national organizations to be considered as a potential partner include:

  • The organization focuses on the most marginalized and excluded groups; economically and socially excluded due to race, gender, social class, ethnicity, national origin, or other defining characteristics
  • The organization has provided/continues to provide meaningful and innovative programs for more than two years
  • The organization is widely networked;
  • The organization has a sufficiently wide membership and a large number of young supporters in their field of activity;
  • The organization must have documented management and financial systems and procedures in place, along with clear transparency and integrity in fund management;
  • The registered organization have a bank account with a minimum of two/ three signatories;
  • The organization has a democratic governance structure and decision-making mechanism, including consultative processes in formulating priorities and policies;
  • The organization has a gender perspective/balance reflected in their staff, beneficiaries and activities;



Please send the above-mentioned documents (put the organization's name as a subject) to

For inquiries, please contact us through